Wax Wash Record Cleaner

Wax Wash Original (250ml bottle with two lint-free cloths)

Best for cleaning soiled records. Removes most fingerprints, grime and odours. Anti-static.


Superior Cleaning Power

Wax Wash is the only vinyl record cleaner that contains a mixture of superior cleaning agents to specifically target and remove residual montan wax from old and new vinyl records. It is also effective at removing excess PTFE's in newer pressings.

Pure Ingredients

Wash Wax contains 100% pure ingredients, free of impurities. This ensures that as you clean your vinyl, no other contaminants are introduced.

Lint-free cloths

The cloths synthetic fibres have been carefully selected for specific characteristics including: softness, durability, absorption, wicking abilities, water repellency, electrodynamics, and filtering capabilities. Two lint-free cloths are included with every bottle of Wash Wax!